Connections Newsletter Winter 2015

First Behavioral Health Facility Connects with HIE Patients Piloting Access to HIN Record New HealthInfoNet Board Members HIN Managment Changes Link:…

Bangor Daily News Highlights HIN Analytics

How Maine hospitals are predicting your next trip to the ER Jessica Taylor’s computer knew her patient was in trouble before she did. Even the patient, a Bangor-area man with chronic illness, was in the dark. In all likelihood, he was about to wind up in the emergency room. Taylor, a nurse care manager at … Read more

Maine’s HIE launches analytics business

Healthcare IT News Maine’s HIE launches analytics business First health information exchange in the country to tap its data to improve patient care Knowledge is power. The folks who run Maine’s statewide health information exchange have been keenly aware of this adage for some time – focused on not merely delivering information, but also on putting the … Read more

Connections Newsletter Fall 2014

More HIE Clients Sign On to Analytics Service, First Customer Sees Value New HIE User Recognition Program Where’s the Data on HIE – Our Reaction to the RAND Study Link:…

HealthInfoNet Board Member Karen Bell Awarded

HealthInfoNet Board Member, Dr. Karen Bell was recently named the 2014 recipient of the Elliot M. Stone Award of Excellence in Health Data Leadership from the National Association of Health Data Organizations. Congratulations Karen for this much deserved recognition. Karen Bell, MD, is Director of the Center for Sustainable Health and Care at JBS International, Inc. Read more. 

2013 Annual Report

The end of 2013 marked ten years since a group of Maine health care leaders first envisioned the statewide medical information exchange service that what would become HealthInfoNet. As HealthInfoNet enters its eighth year of incorporation (2006), it continues to experience growth, impact and innovation that reflect the vision and potential that nurtured the concept … Read more

Maine Event: Dev Culver Leads HealthInfoNet into Groundbreaking Innovation

Dev Culver is leading Maine into uncharted territory with a first-ever statewide, clinical data-facilitated event notification system There are few leaders in the health information exchange (HIE) space in healthcare IT whose work is more advanced than that of Devore (Dev) Culver, the executive director of HealthInfoNet, the statewide HIE in Maine. Culver, a well-known … Read more

Maine HIE Users Get Single Sign-on Access to State’s Script Registry

Users of Maine’s health information exchange (HIE), HealthInfoNet, can now access the Maine Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) through the HIE portal. HealthInfoNet worked with the State throughout 2013 to link the two systems, giving clinicians a single sign-on to the PMP while logged into the HIE portal. Read More.

HIE Use in the ER lowers hospital admissions and costs

We’ve known anecdotally for years that the use of the health information exchange (HIE) in the emergency room results in better quality care, reduced duplication and subsequetnly lower costs. That’s why we were excited to see this new study from Weill Cornell Medical College, which found that physicians are less likely to admit patients to … Read more

Connections Newsletter Winter 2014

New Tools Add Value for HIE Users State Innovations Model Grant Progress RFP for Behavioral Health HIT Support Just Released Link:…