Learn how HealthInfoNet can provide better, easier, and safer health data services to your organization.

Your Choices

HealthInfoNet is dedicated to helping our communities create lasting system-wide improvements in the value of patient care.
Read about our company and meet some of our team members to learn more about how we assist Maine’s healthcare communities.

patient communications

CHOICES about your healthinfonet record

You don’t need to do anything! Your general medical information will be available to all participating providers. Some medical information related to HIV and mental health services will only be available in an emergency or if you tell your provider it’s okay during your visit.

Since your general medical information is already included in your HealthInfoNet record, you will need to fill out an additional sensitive health opt-in form to begin including HIV and mental health information in your record. This form is available online in both printable and digital versions, as well as from your participating provider or HealthInfoNet. Once we receive this form, your HIV and/or mental health information will be available to all of your providers using HealthInfoNet. You can find the forms online here:


During your visit, tell your participating provider that it’s okay to look at your mental health and/or HIV information. If you provide verbal, one-time consent, the information will be available for that visit only. You will need to give permission in each visit ongoing unless you choose to opt in to sharing this information for all of your providers to view.

You must fill out a sensitive health opt-out form. This form is available online in both printable and digital versions, as well as from your participating provider or HealthInfoNet. Once we receive this form, your HIV and/or mental health information will no longer be available to all of your providers using HealthInfoNet. You can find the forms online here:

You must fill out a general medical opt-out form. This form is available online in both printable and digital versions, as well as from your participating provider or HealthInfoNet. Once we receive this form, your medical information will no longer be available to all of your providers using HealthInfoNet. You can find the forms online here:

You must fill out a general medical opt-back-in form (and also a sensitive health opt-in form if you would also like your mental health and/or HIV information shared). This form is available online in both printable and digital versions, as well as from your participating provider or HealthInfoNet. Once we receive this form, your general medical information (and sensitive health information, if the separate opt-in form is provided) will no longer be available to all of your providers using HealthInfoNet. You can find the forms online here: