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HealthInfoNet is dedicated to helping our communities create lasting system wide improvements in the value of patient care.
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Stay in the know on everything that’s happening at HealthInfoNet. Here is where you’ll find our latest press releases and communications, important service updates, case study announcements, and introductions to new team members. If you haven’t done so already, be sure to sign up to get our news delivered instantly to your inboxes!

Redesigned Health Analytics Reporting Platform Now Available to HIE Participants

HealthInfoNet recently went live with its new Health Analytics Reporting Platform (HARP). The service represents a critical redesign of the HIE’s analytic and reporting system by modernizing and expanding the underlying infrastructure, technologies, methodologies, and use cases offered to participants in alignment with current healthcare priorities in Maine and nationally.

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Updated HIE Health Equity Data Action Plan Released

In early 2022, HealthInfoNet began having one-on-one conversations with some of its participants to understand how to receive their social health and/or sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) data sets. What became immediately evident was that while each participant was on its own strategic trajectory, each was also curious as

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New Measurement in Support of the National Diabetes Prevention Program

Over the last several months, HealthInfoNet has partnered with the Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Maine CDC) and the Office of MaineCare Services (OMS) to produce measurement in support of the National Diabetes Prevention Program (National DPP). The National DPP is a partnership of public and private organizations

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Register Now for MPCA Webinar Series Featuring HealthInfoNet

HealthInfoNet is teaming up with the Maine Primary Care Association (MPCA) for a five-part webinar series. The series is designed to highlight the ways in which Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) can leverage the statewide HIE’s services to make lasting, system-wide improvements in the value and quality of patient care

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HealthInfoNet Goes Live with Clinical Portal InContext Service

In an effort to increase the interoperability of our HIE services to ensure our participant end users are able to access critical information on their patients when they need it most, HealthInfoNet recently went live with our new Clinical Portal InContext service. The service enables participant end users to view

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Register Now for Social Health Data Action Plan Convening Series

Over the last several years, identifying strategies for the successful collection, exchange, and operationalization of “social determinants of health” data sets has become a top priority for stakeholders in pursuit of the Triple Aim. Nowadays, nearly everyone working to improve the way care is delivered to individuals who overlap diverse

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