Learn how HealthInfoNet can provide better, easier, and safer health data services to your organization.

Data Transmission

HealthInfoNet is dedicated to helping our communities create lasting system wide improvements in the value of patient care.
Explore our HIE services, including how they are being used across the care continuum and how to get trained on their use and function.

Data Transmission

Our data transmission methods provide critical views into key patterns and trends across healthcare settings throughout the state so that our customers can study the health and performance of targeted patient populations and interventions to inform important decision-making.

public health reporting

Our data integration engine automates the delivery of real-time alert notifications to the Maine Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Maine CDC) in support of hospitals’ public health reporting needs, including syndromic surveillance, electronic laboratory, and immunization registry reporting efforts. 

Syndromic Surveillance

Reporting events of care with chief complaints that indicate possible disease or condition that require review/intervention by the Maine CDC for public safety and health. 

e-Laboratory Reporting

Reporting laboratory results that indicate existence of any of the seventy-two diseases that require review/intervention by the Maine CDC for public safety and health. 

Immunization Reporting

Reporting all state-supplied vaccine administration data to the Maine Immunization Information System (ImmPact), as required by the Maine CDC for record keeping.


We develop custom and standard options for delivering raw (e.g., real-time Admission/Discharge/Transfer (ADT) transactions) and/or enhanced (e.g., comprehensive/limited data sets) data extracts according to project specifications and HIE data governance permissions. 

Real-Time ADT Transactions

Enriched Data Sets

COVID-19 Immunization Data Extract

HealthInfoNet supports its HIE participants’ ongoing COVID-19 research, reporting, and care management efforts by making available COVID-19 immunizations information received from Maine’s Immunization Information System (ImmPact) for defined patient populations in a data extract format.


We share expertise and provide special guidance intended to give our customers insights and innovative understandings on how to apply their data sources, evaluate and assess their analytics and reporting, and/or better understand HIE trends and associated outcomes.

What Are Our End Users Saying About HealthInfoNet?

“Data on population health is essential for public health. Accurate reporting of health data is at the core of successful public health programs. Without the data, public health will not succeed. HealthInfoNet supports that mission through their automated reporting efforts.”

Stephen Sears, MD
Chief of Staff, VA Maine

is your organization interested in becoming a participant?

Complete our online participant inquiry form to help us understand a bit more about your organization. We’ll get back to you shortly!

is your organization already a participant & wants to learn more?

Contact our Clinical Education team to start using HealthInfoNet’s HIE services effectively at your organization. We’re here to help!